picea asperata meaning in English
- Analysis on the environmental property of picea asperata stand through four mathematical methods
应用4种数学方法对暗针叶云杉林分生境属性的研究 - Forestland evapotranspiration and water balance of picea asperata mast . and larix gmeini rupr mixed stand
青海云杉和华北落叶松混交林林地蒸散和水量平衡研究 - Now the standardized yi writing is used . the yis are mainly engaged in agriculture with the cultivation of other crops such as barley , potato , beans , paddy rice and also in growing masson pine , dragon spruce picea asperata , camphor tree laquer , kapok and other timber . yi nationality appears on the following banknote
彝族人有许多自称,因地而异,如“诺苏” “纳苏” “罗武” “罗罗” “米撒泼” “撒尼” “阿细” “阿西”等,按广大彝族人民的共同意愿,以“彝”作为统一的民族名称。